Happy 5th Year Rez Day Evion

Ola, yes Evi has made it through five whole years of sl! Five years ago today I was watching CSI: New York (ok which I never watch) lol and Venus showed me the way in. Now I admit when I first logged into second life and threw myself off orientation island within five whole minutes, I thought what a waste lol.
I didn’t know how to open a box, I could not understand how to make my hair long and why I was walking so funny! Thank gawd I ran into some really nice people who introduced me to Lucky Chairs and walked me through what I needed to know, a very daunting task!

Now on my travels I have met some of the most wonderful people from all over the world at that, and of course I have met some that I’d rather forget lol as I am sure everyone has. But I think the real draw for me is the barbie concept…….I was really into my barbies when I was young and here I could dress up in whatever my little pixel heart desired. Looking back before I became a blogger, I dressed up and hung out with friends…which yes is fun and I should do it way more than I do now, but now that I blog sl seems to make so much more sense to me. Not that I still don’t love meeting people, I do very much so…..but now it seems I get dressed up, try and find new places to take photos in, and pretty much show off what I’ve got stocked away in my ever growing suitcase and I feel as if I have done my job, I am satisfied lol, sounds funny I know but that is how I see it 😉

Well here is hoping that I will be bopping in and out of sl for another five years………..or someone hands me a cool couple million rl dollars and I will continue on there lol, either way ‘Happy Rez Day Evi” You deserve it for sticking around and putting up with your typist for so damn long!

See you soonish 🙂
Veil: [LWL] ~ Amelie Veil in Black New ❤ Available@FAIR
Skin: [PXL] ~ Faith in Natural New ❤ Vip Sale Item
Makeup Layer: +>A&A<+ ~ Payback Makeup New ❤ Available@Cinema
Bolero: A:S:S ~ Noctis Bolero in Black New ❤ Available@Cinema
Dress: +>A&A<+ ~ Mesh Svelte Dress in Red New ❤ Available@Cinema
Earrings: Je Suis ~ Gemstone Earclips color change
Ring: [HANDverk] ~ Serpent Ring in Demon
Nails: [Bamboo] Nails in Tuxedo w/hud New ❤ Thank you 🙂
Bag: Baiastice ~ Mesh Theory Handbag in Black New ❤
Nylons: Bax Coen ~ Soft Shine Pantyhose in Black 50 Seams New ❤
Shoes: [LWL] ~ Bonny Pumps in Raven New ❤ Available@FAIR
Poses: The Muse Poses ~ Tyche Handbag Poses New ❤

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